Business support

In many cases, a day passenger ship is sold in conjunction with an ongoing business. So you have the ship itself on one side and the operating assets of the ship on the other. For example, the berth, name and fame, marketing tools, website and customers. In addition, you may also have to deal with purchasing arrangements, legal aspects and even personnel.

So there is quite a bit involved in your purchase...Asset transaction in case of purchase of the vessel itself or equity transaction in case of vessel + ongoing business acquisition.

So we can help you with the purchase and/or sale, the financial settlement and the combination of ship with ongoing business.

In the case of the vessel with ongoing business, we can assist the prospective Buyer with the transition and operation of the ongoing business. This may include personnel, marketing, IT systems, processes, financing and technical know-how. In other words: With business support from DPS Brokerage, the Seller sells faster and at a better price.

Ultimately, DPS Realty is there for the Seller and (prospective Buyer)